Current Weather | Graphs
Daily Weekly Monthly All |
Temperature | +18.7 °C | Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Humidity | 85 % | Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Air Pressure | 1012 hPa and Steady | Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Wind Chill | +19 °C | Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Dew Point | +16.1 °C | Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Heat Index | n.a. | |||
Wind Speed (average 1 minute) | 0.7 km/h | Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Wind Direction (average 1 minute) | 134° (SE) | Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Rainfall Rate | 0.0 mm/hour | Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Rainfall | 0.2 mm since Midnight | Daily10min
DailyAccum |
WeeklyAccum |
MonthlyAccum |
Indoor Temperature | +20.6 °C | |||
Indoor Humidity | 47 % | |||
Wet Bulb Temperature | +17 °C | |||
Wet Bulb Depression | +1.7 °C | |||
Estimated base height of Cu cloud | 324 meters. (1065 feet) | |||
Forecast (according to weather station) | Sunny |
Extreme conditions since Midnight | |
Maximum Temperature | +18.7 °C at 11:20 |
Minimum Temperature | +9.9 °C at 00:59 |
Maximum Humidity | 86 % at 11:13 |
Minimum Humidity | 69 % at 00:13 |
Maximum Wind (gust) | 9.4 km/h, 110° at 11:05 |
Maximum Air Pressure | 1013 hPa at 10:56 |
Minimum Air Pressure | 1011 hPa at 05:56 |
Maximum Rainfall Rate | 0.0 mm/hr |
Data for the 24 hours prior to Midnight | |
Maximum Temperature | +21.6 °C at 15:49 |
Minimum Temperature | +10.3 °C at 23:59 |
Maximum Humidity | 84 % at 11:20 |
Minimum Humidity | 49 % at 16:00 |
Maximum Wind (gust) | 17.6 km/h, 154° at 15:28 |
Maximum Air Pressure | 1012 hPa at 23:59 |
Minimum Air Pressure | 1010 hPa at 19:26 |
Maximum Rainfall Rate | 0.0 mm/hr |
Rainfall for the 24 hours prior to Midnight | 0.0 mm |
Maximum Dew Point | +16.5 °C at 11:20 |
Minimum Dew Point | +4.8 °C at 23:49 |
Minimum Wind Chill | +10 °C at 23:59 |
Maximum Heat Index | +24.5 °C at 17:52 |
Extremes since 01 January 2025 | |
Maximum Temperature | +28.9 °C at 18:05 on 14 February |
Minimum Temperature | +2.6 °C at 08:00 on 07 March |
Minimum Humidity | 10 % at 18:32 on 12 February |
Maximum Wind (gust) | 57.2 km/h, 142° at 15:19 on 04 January |
Extremes since 01 April 2002 | |
Maximum Temperature | +35.8 °C at 16:17 on 05 February 2005 |
Minimum Temperature | -5.4 °C at 07:33 on 04 August 2004 |
Minimum Humidity | 10 % at 18:35 on 11 February 2016 |
Maximum Wind (gust) | 91.4 km/h, 314° at 15:58 on 21 February 2004 |
Weather data collected by a WM-918 Weather Station situated in Wainuiomata (northern end of Wellington Road), Wellington, New Zealand.
The WM-918 is made by Huger Electronics/Oregon Scientific.
Weather content generated by Andy Keir's FreeWX program.
Graphs generated by Ploticus.