Wainuiomata, Wellington, New Zealand

Monthly Weather Graphs

These graphs are updated every 10 minutes.

Inline Image:  Wainui Outdoor Temperature
Inline Image:  Wainui Outdoor Humidity
Inline Image:  Wainui Air Pressure
Inline Image:  Wainui Windchill
Inline Image:  Wainui Dewpoint
Inline Image:  Wainui Wind Speed
Inline Image:  Wainui Wind Direction
Inline Image:  Wainui Rainfall Rate
Inline Image:  Wainui Rainfall
Inline Image:  Wainui Rainfall Accumulated

Weather data collected by a WM-918 Weather Station situated in Wainuiomata (northern end of Wellington Road), Wellington, New Zealand.
The WM-918 is made by Huger Electronics/Oregon Scientific.

Graphs generated by Ploticus.